When Apple released iTunes 9, the behavior of the Cmd-Ctrl-Z shortcut was changed. Previously, it would toggle the window between the full-size “regular” view, and the small, “mini-player” view. This change was quickly reversed in the next version of iTunes, returning the shortcut key to its previous behavior.
With the iTunes 9.0.3 release a few days ago, the behavior of this shortcut key has changed once again. Fortunately, the Keyboard Preferences panel allows you to fix this once and for all:
Just open System Preferences, go to the Keyboard settings, and add the following key shortcuts in the “Application Shortcuts” section under the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab:
- Zoom – Cmd-Option-Ctrl-Z (or any other key shortcut, it just has to be something different than Cmd-Ctrl-Z)
- Switch to Mini Player – Cmd-Ctrl-Z
- Switch from Mini Player – Cmd-Ctrl-Z
All of these should be added for iTunes specifically, as shown in the above screen shot.